
Photo Report

2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira

Photo Report
2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira
São João da Madeira took to the streets on the 16th of this month to warn, remind, draw attention to the fact that the rights of LGBT+ people did not end with changing the marriage law. Still hundreds, protesters walked through the city's arteries in a new, unprecedented version, the 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira took place at night, based on the slogan "Let your Pride Shine". The organization tried to light the March with small colored sticks, but they were insufficient to have any effect and for the number of attendees. After the March, the party took place at the Oliva Creative Factory cultural space. NOTE: The night is the space for all cowardice, and it was under cover of night that someone from the comfort of their balcony threw eggs at the March, hitting some of the protesters. The presence of the PSP at the scene, as is customary, was not a deterrent, nor did it have any effect, until now, on the offender(s).


2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira2023 09 16 - 3rd LGBT+ March of S. João da Madeira
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